Books I Recommend for Mental Decluttering

With so much going on in our day-to-day, from career demands to trying to stay healthy, it can be very easy to become overwhelmed and mentally burnt out. As a mother and a business owner, I know firsthand how life can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders! Any other mamas out there with me!? 

For real, though, sometimes when there are so many things happening all at once (which it feels like happens constantly, what’s up with that??) my head can start to feel totally foggy and I can become disassociated from my present. As someone who strives for harmony in their lives, this is a big NO NO. Throw in the change in season that makes for darker days and pending Holiday stresses, and you’ve got a recipe for a scatterbrain on your hands! 

On top of my daily meditations and yoga practices, I’ve also found that audiobooks have really helped me to centre myself in times of mental cluttering. Not only are audiobooks so relaxing, they are also extremely educational and inspiring! What more could you ask for in a calming habit, am I right??

If you aren’t sure where to begin when it comes to the world of audiobooks, that’s okay!! I’ve put together a quick list of some of my personal favorites for you to check out. I even threw in some yoga books, because why not!! I truly love all of these books and their authors, and I hope you can find some peace in them as well. Enjoy, my friends!!


Loving What Is by Byron Katie

This is an audio book that I pop on often when I want a quick burst of entertainment and a shift in perspective. The intro explains what she calls “The Work” which is essentially how to ask yourself the right questions when you catch yourself in a negative thought pattern and the rest are simple short stories from different people with issues varying from anxiety of losing a job to relationships on the fritz. As Katie says, “It’s not the problem that causes our suffering; it’s our thinking about the problem.”  

The Untethered Soul by Michael A Singer 

I recommend this book often and it often sounds something like “If you want to be happy, read this book”. Without fail, I end up getting a text within the first couple days that starts with “WOW”. The author walks you through your relationship with your thoughts and emotions & helps you demystify the source and fluctuations of your inner energy. 

How Yoga Works by Christie McNally and Michael Roach 

This is a book I’ve read at least once a year for a long time. I rarely read fictional books but this one weaves in yoga philosophy in a simple format that always reinvigorates my passion to show up on my mat and let the practice of yoga do the work in making a positive shift in my life,k off the mat. 

Yoga And The Path of the Urban Mystic by Darren Main

I love this author's ability to use real life situations (like getting the middle finger from someone with road rage) and apply the principles of yoga in everyday life.  It is a book about changing the way we see the world—transforming every experience and relationship into a yoga practice unto itself.

What are some of your go-to audiobooks to clear your mind? I’m all ears! Drop your favorites in the comments and I will be sure to give them all a listen.


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