Vegetable Curry Soup
The Vegetable Curry Soup is Gluten Free, Dairy Free, and Vegan without sacrificing flavor and all around goodness. Only a quick 4 step process and a handful ingredients!

The Perfect Detox Soup
I call it a detox soup but let’s be clear — you can’t just eat a bowl of soup and expect for your whole body to be detoxed. However, this soup is a great bi-weekly meal that will continuously help to support your immune system.

Sausage and Mushroom Quiche
My sausage and mushroom quiche is just that, a meal that my whole family enjoys. Not only that, it’s super healthy and nice and filling to kick off your day or save for later.

Eggplant Lasagna
Even though I’ve been a fan for years, I feel as though eggplants are finally getting the recognition they deserve as one of the most delicious vegetables out there!

Goat Cheese Polenta with Root Vegetables
In my personal opinion, polenta is one of the most overlooked foods in the grain family. Polenta is a tasty dish made by cooking ground cornmeal in salted water.

The Ultimate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats
Peanut butter is a great way to add extra protein into your diet. My favorite on-the-go breakfast that is packed with protein — Peanut Butter Protein Overnight Oats!

Mexican Sweet Potatoes
Let’s face it, sweet potatoes are nutritious, affordable, and easy to incorporate into your diet. These sweet, starchy root vegetables are grown worldwide and come in a variety of sizes and colors including orange, white, and purple!